
Reflections on life, truth, faith, love, introspection, and transformation.

Quantum entanglement of pessimism and optimism

It would seem that in order to be negative over time on a certain topic one must maintain some belief that it ought to be better. A person who complains often about their work must implicitly imagine and desire a preferable job. Anyone who wakes up each day with negative thoughts about their home must have some vision for another place to live. Someone who persistently dislikes their state of affairs would certainly prefer another way of being. Negativity may be tied to a desire as much it is to a disappointment. What is bothering you today and where is your hidden dream for something better?

Salvation leads to Peace leads to Relationship leads to Right mindset leads to Faith leads to Purpose leads to Right action leads to Dynamic identity leads to Transformation leads to Truth

Enough or not enough? More than enough

For many years I lived under an illusion that I was not enough So I drove myself to succeed where I could (and more quietly to avoid the situations where I wasn't sure I could succeed, but perhaps that's another story...) Eventually my perfectionist protective performance provided potential proof that I was enough compared to others. “Hell yeah!” I said quietly to myself from time to time But there was no proof. Because it wasn't true. Comparison is not a pathway to sufficiency or acceptance The old saying turns out to be true: Comparison remains the thief of joy.

For a few years there I lived under an illusion that I was enough. So I relied on my gifts and abilities. I tracked my accomplishments, Stacking them high enough that I can't see them all at once. Doing good and being good. Making the world a better place. “Hooray!” And then the ironic discovery came My external validation of being enough was sustenance for a hungry ghost My insecure ego, fearing desperately the possibility of not being enough for even a moment, was addicted to a buffet of validation and accomplishment Eating too fast to even taste. How could I feel so full and be so empty?

Clearly not by my own decisions or actions Probably not even by my own mindset or disposition I have learned that I can feel enough, and I am enough But not on my own. I am enough in the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Special just like every other child of God. A joke that used to make me laugh with insecurity Now makes me cry with joy. Lamenting the life lived within an illusion of solitude Embracing the gift of union with a loving Creator Hallelujah! I don't have to be enough because my Savior was, is, and always will be More than enough

Maybe we are ongoing incarnation Energy seeking to merge with matter Confused immaturity Emerging into identity Striving to be being Embodied into a body Spiritually seeking spirit Maybe this whole world is a space for spirit to become form

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Do you desire a fearless existence? Sure, why not! Look deeply. Is that really what you want? What about that threat? That danger. The one you're imagining right now. Lurking at the edges of your mind's eye. Terrifying, isn't it? Are you willing to turn your back on it? Can you walk away from that which threatens you most? Isn't is scary to let go of fear?

Two streams run deeply & in parallel One of love. One of fear. Humankind, and each one of us, walks between them Choosing with attention which one to worship. Is our destiny over time to learn we are safe enough to stop looking over our shoulder?

Purpose & Presence

For most of my life I lived for purpose. What can I do to help? How can I advance the agenda? What noble cause might I push forward?

As I grow older (and wiser I pray) I find myself pondering if it may well have been presence I was seeking all along. Or maybe I was running away from it. Either way it sure does seem to be at the center of it all.

I used to think I could be purposeful without being present. I was wrong.

Funny thing, though. Turns out I can be present without being purposeful.

Where are you acting out of purpose when it might be presence calling you?

Spiritual Warfare & Battle

Your enemy is not real, ...but he is deceiving you right now. Your doubts and fears, your hatred and your secrets; ...they all feed into the confusion and deception of this world. Be bold by the Holy Spirit ...not in your own understanding. Take up the equipment of divine mystery ...and lie down on the battlefield in prayerful worship. For not even the king of lies can keep you from knowing and loving God.

Don't fake it till you make it. Be it until you see it.

Humility and insecurity

What is the difference between humility and insecurity? It's quite simple... Humility is real. Insecurity is false.

Where are you believing the lie of insecurity? When can you embrace the truth of humility?

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