I've heard that it can fly
and I've heard it can stand still
Some people spend it
Some people pass it
Some even have it on their side
I even heard once that someone took it as his own
and someone was killing it over and over again
while others run against the clock, which is supposed to tell it
But how can such a thing be held still to be told anything at all?
How do you relate to time in your life?
What's the word that connects your life to the concept of time?
“I [ ] my time”
Take it, spend it, pass it, invest it, cherish it, or kill it.
Your choice.
(Bonus! The choice resets every time you choose.)
Beauty is all around us.
Do you agree?
If so, what beauty can you experience right now that you might have missed?
If not, what do you believe instead?
What a powerful word!
Mysteriously summoning the collective opinions of others.
Unconsciously synthesizing your past experience into choosing the path forward.
But how far can the collective opinions of others and your past experiences take you?
They can not reach past themselves. (But you can!)
They can only guide you with shoulds into familiar patterns and predictable outcomes.
What lies beyond should?
That voice that suggests the opinions of others might not be all that matter.
That sense that there might be something available that you've never experienced before.
What do you need to do in order to get past the limitations of should?
What truth, uniquely yours, lies beneath the shroud of should?
How strange a creature we humans are. Whatever we do alone we might question. Yet if a group of us does that same thing everyone seems to believe it's right or somehow natural.
Where are you following the crowd at the cost of your own truth?
Achieving acceptance and/or accepting achievement
Which one do you find more challenging? Is that also the one you would benefit most from practicing?
I find it more challenging to accept achievement. I have been trained for years to move on immediately once progress is being made, so as not to lose momentum. I see now how this practice holds me back from experiencing the achievements in my life, and I am now choosing to more intentionally accept my achievements as they arrive.
I once thought that my thoughts were who I was. As I grew wiser, I began to feel that feelings were who I was. Now I know that I am who I am, and I am more than the sum of my thoughts and feelings.
Who are you?
This morning I prayed to have peace in my heart.
Then I realized it was already there.
So I prayed to carry peace in my heart throughout the day.
Then I realized it was already there.
So I prayed to remain aware of the peace in my heart.
What are you hoping or praying for that you already have?
Today is a big day!!!!
Many exciting and emotional events shall occur!!
... yet I will still be the same human being I was as I peacefully laid my head to rest last night.
I am thankful for gratitude.
Makes sense, right?
The first time I fell;
I recovered quickly, brushed myself off, and kept moving.
The second time I fell;
It hurt far more than the first time.
I made sure nothing was broken, and I went on my way.
The third time I fell;
I thought I might never get up.
I laid on the ground feeling a depth of fear and sadness I had never realized.
I found parts of myself I didn't know existed, and experienced ways of feeling I'd never imagined to be possible.
I arose a changed man.